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Queen Anne’s Battery Berth Holder News

Firstly, we’d like to start off by saying a huge thank you to all our berth holders for keeping your boat with us this year, along with the vast number of visiting boats we have accommodated throughout! While it has proven a season of unpredictable weather, not always playing into our hands, enjoyment and activity has remained high. There is no greater satisfaction in what we do, than seeing customers enjoy the facilities, utilising their boats and socialising with one another.

We hope you have all enjoyed meeting various team members throughout the season, many of whom are new faces from our seasonal support crew. Frequenting the marina with our ‘Trolley of Treats’ is a great way for us to interact, find out how things are going and provide a few goodies in the process. Coronation chicken, Easter eggs, summer beverages, ghostly Halloween treats to name a few – it has been a lot of fun and something we’re developing further for next year, along with a new social calendar for 2024. We are keen to instate a social committee, inclusive of berth holders! More information to follow in due course.

A highlight for us this year was the return of ‘The Final Fling’ – a nationally recognised dinghy sailing event, hosted here at QAB in collaboration with the Royal Western Yacht Club and Allspars Rigging Solutions – both valued tenants of ours here on site. The weekend event saw over 67 boats of various shapes and sizes enter, a record number, creating a spectacle for participants and onlookers alike! This event has paved the way for more of the same next year, with similar event organisers keen to jump in on the action – we are now in talks over race committee interest for Phantoms, 4000s, Devon Yawls and other local challenges. Given our location, poised at the mouth of one of our country’s finest natural water sports arenas, Plymouth Sound, such events breathe life into our marina, provide great entertainment and harness grassroots interest in sailing – keeping our sport alive.

MDL Fitness cannot go unmentioned, going from strength to strength. Our new Fitness Manager, Emilia Caddick, has harnessed a loveable community feel to the gym at site, in addition to rolling out a packed weekly class timetable and sharing her worldly wisdom on anything health related to anyone keen to embrace a change in their lifestyle. Those early morning spin classes certainly get a few of our team members in the right frame of mind for work!

As the season comes to a close and with the winter fast approaching, we’ll continue to invest in the marina with scheduled maintenance projects, some of which are well underway such as our slipway wall refurbishment. We’re conducting further wave screen maintenance during November and December, which will aid with protecting us from those prevailing SW winds and surging tides. All plant and machinery will see planned shutdown periods for essential maintenance, servicing and improvement works before the peak lifting season, working around your requirements.

We hope that you join us in welcoming 2024 and look forward to the new season ahead! Thank you once again for your ongoing custom and loyalty, from all of the team here at QAB!

Queen Anne’s Battery Team

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